Indigenous starters serving quality and diversity

Between wines and cheeses: cross-perspectives on indigenous starters

Dive into an unprecedented scientific collaboration on indigenous starters in wine and cheese. Join us on June 17th to explore the results of this unique research

Wine and cheese are emblematic of French gastronomy, showcasing the richness and diversity of regional products. Beyond representing the terroirs, these two products raise common scientific questions.

Researchers, specialized in wine and cheese, have joined forces in a transdisciplinary project focusing on a shared subject: indigenous starters. The aim of this project was to valorize the natural biodiversity present in two iconic products of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region: wine and Comté cheese. Its approach diverges from the conventional paradigm of controlling fermentation by adding selected strains. Here, the adopted approach aims to exploit the existing ecosystem.

A lever to control sensory quality lies in managing the composition and dynamics of microbiota to promote the expression of the technological functions of microbial communities present in milk, grapes, or starters during the process. By studying the use of indigenous starters and their impact on the quality and sensory diversity of wine and Comté cheese, this project seeks to preserve and promote the characteristics of these products, while meeting a growing demand for authentic products rooted in their terroir.

A half-day presentation of this project, scheduled for June 17, 2024, at La Maison du Comté in Poligny, offers a unique opportunity to discover the results of this collaboration. Researchers' presentations will be enriched by discussions and idea exchanges among participants in a spirit of shared discovery.

This collaboration is particularly important as it is built around a common theme, serving as a catalyst for bringing together two distinct research teams, now merged within the UMR PAM, Food and Wine Sciences & Technology. It symbolizes the research teams' commitment to scientific excellence and transdisciplinary collaboration, essential pillars of the UMR PAM.

This project aligns with regional priorities aimed at encouraging innovation, growth, and competitiveness while supporting an agriculture rooted in the local social fabric.

It was funded by the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region, le Comité Interprofessionnel de Gestion du Comté (CIGC), l’Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie and the European Regional Development Fund (PO FEDER-FSE Bourgogne 2014-2020, N◦SYNERGIE BG0027657).

The project partners:

  • Scientific partners :  Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation, Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin, INRAE, L’institut Agro Dijon, Université de Bourgogne, LiBiFOOD Research Group, Nutrition and Food Science Department-XaRTA-INSA, University of Barcelona.
  • The CIGC R&D team
  • Technical partner : Centre Technique des fromages Comtois

The scientific valorization to date:


Influence of spontaneous, “pied de cuve” and commercial dry yeast fermentation strategies on wine molecular composition and sensory properties. Alvarez-Barragan J., Mallard J., Ballester J., David V., Vichi S., Tourdot-Maréchal R., Alexandre H., Roullier-Gall C. (2023) Food Research International 174-113648


Microbial composition and viability of natural whey starters used in PDO Comté cheese-making. Lutin J., Dufrene F., Guyot P., Palme R., Achilleos C., Bouton Y., Buchin S. (2024) Food Microbiology 121 104521

Practical information

  • Date : June 17, 2024
  • Place : Maison du Comté, 39800 Poligny




vin et fromage date